We are Bay Area Creative Dancers - a non-profit organization formed by individuals passionate about traditional, classical and contemporary dance and dedicated to passing on the love for this art form to generations to come. The essence of we are and what we stand for is best captured by the initials of our organization.
B for Bridge. By fusing the most beautiful elements of traditional Indian dance with the dynamism of modern forms, we hope to bridge geographies, generations, and genders while breaking boundaries that hold us back as a civilization.
A for Alive. Our mission is to introduce customs and intricacies of Indian dance to new audiences and devotees in order to keep our culture and traditions alive. The deeper we immerse ourselves, the more we discover about each other and everything that unite us.
C for Cherish. We cherish all forms of dance both classical and modern as enjoyed by people and cultures all over the world. We partner with dancers from various Indian and international backgrounds and cherish how dance unites people while creating wonderful legacies and memories.
D for Dance. Dance is an ancient art form practiced from the earliest moments of the human experience. The reverence we have for this art form is what keeps us dedicated to ensuring that it remains integral to what it means to be a human being, forever.